Stop the relocation of
Jessie Younghusband
to Minerva Heights

West Sussex County Council are currently planning to move Jessie Younghusband School to Minerva Heights.

Help stop the relocation by giving your views and getting involved.

We want children with SEND to have access to the provisions and places that they require, Minerva Heights to get their school and for north east Chichester to keep its only school.

Object by 16th May

Please send your objections against the proposed relocation via the following email address:

Please be advised that comments cannot be a repeat of information or views already provided during the informal consultation that ran from 14 December 2023 to 31 January 2024.

Support our Petition

Show your support to halt the proposed relocation of Jessie Younghusband School by signing our new WSCC petition

Our Concerns With the Relocation

The proposed relocation will mean that JYS will serve Minerva Heights’ residents as a priority.

School admissions are allocated based on the distance from the school which means the original JYS catchment area will have lower priority.

Gradually, the relocated school will be closed to the original catchment area with Minerva Heights’ residents taking priority.

Not having a school within walking distance for large parts of northern Chichester will have a range of adverse impacts on the local area.

If JYS is to serve a larger catchment area it would need to be increased to two form entry straight away as it is already oversubscribed with the existing catchment area which is smaller.

The proposed plans are not initially increasing capacity at JYS and a timeline for expanding to 2FE has not been provided as part of the consultation.

Walking along St Paul’s Road to Minerva Heights is not very safe with young children. The paths are narrow and uneven and the road is only suitable for proficient cylists.

Access via Centurion Way is not always suitable due to flooding across the entire path at points and there is no lighting which is needed in autumn and winter.

Without safe and convenient walking or cycle routes to Minerva Heights parents will be forced to drive resulting in more traffic on already gridlocked local roads at peak times. This will increase journey times and pollution levels.

WSCC’s alternative option was to do nothing (see section 3).

St Anthony’s and Jessie Younghusband both have scope to be expanded on their existing sites.

A new 1 Form Entry school at Minerva Heights could form a multi-site Jessie Younghusband School. Both locations could then serve their local areas.

No details of the new school have been provided to parents of JYS pupils.

We’ve been told the school is due to completed by September 2024 and in use by September 2025, but currently the exact location is unknown.

Parklands Primary School is two form entry and currently undersubscribed by only 10 spaces, but the catchment area is being reduced removing Minerva Heights.

Jessie Younghusband School is currently oversubscribed and the catchment area is being expanded to include Minerva Heights.

The catchment area changes need to be combined with new school spaces in a new school.

Calculations, based on government guidelines on new homes and school places, indicate that Phase 1 of the Minerva Heights development (750 homes) would need 188 school places leaving only 22 school places for the remaining catchment area.

Calculation based on 500 homes including 125 primary pupils.

This suggests a 2FE school is needed now to serve Phase 1 of Minerva Heights and the current JYS catchment area. However, this would have no provision for Phase 2 of Minerva Heights which will add a further 850 homes.

Minerva Heights will eventually need a 2FE school for all of its residents which was the original plan.

Children will be affected in different ways to the relocation of a school.

Some children have just started their school journey in Reception and others have already had a very disruptive school experience due to COVID-19.

With families looking forward to Christmas the consultation was launched on the 14th December – a day before the last day of term. This has caused a lot of stress and uncertainty over a period when we should be focussed on family and friends.

15 January 2024 is the deadline for applying for school places for children starting Year R in September 2024.

The uncertainty of the current situation may negatively affect applications to JYS.

The emphasis on delivering the ‘SEND and Inclusion Strategy 2019 – 2024’ will not actually be met until September 2025. Why have no plans been made to meet the required provisions until now?

St Anthony’s current intake is 235. An increase of 50 pupils equates to a capacity of 285 = 21% increase. There is potential for this expansion to be completed on the existing site.

Contact Our MP, Councillors & School

Please send your objections against the proposed relocation to our MP and councillors. Make sure to include your name and address in any correspondence.


Gillian Keegan MP for Chichester (Conservatives)

Jess Brown-Fuller – Parliamentary candidate (Liberal Democrats)

West Sussex County Council

School Consultation Contact Email

Jacquie Russell – Cabinet Member for Children and Young People

Steve Nyakatawa – Interim Assistant Director of Education & Skills

Lucy Butler – Director of Children, Young People and Learning

Paul Wagstaff – Director of Education & Skills

Becky Shaw – Chief Executive of West Sussex County Council

Jeremy Hunt – Chichester North (Conservatives)

Julian Joy – Chichester West (Liberal Democrats)

Chichester District Council

Jonathan Brown – Chichester North (Liberal Democrats)

Maureen Corfield – Chichester North (Liberal Democrats)

Clare Apel – Chichester West (Liberal Democrats)

Sarah Quail – Chichester West (Liberal Democrats)

Jessie YoungHusband School

School Office

School Governors

Clare Few – Co-chair of Governors